Exchange Links with Heart of America Quilt
    Link to Heart of America Quilt

Heart of America Quilt provides you with a fast and easy solution to help you create a hyperlink from your site to Heart of America Quilt

What's in it for you?
Add a linked image to Heart of America Quilt from your web site. In exchange, Heart of America Quilt will list your web site in our link list -- a list of Heart of America Quilt sponsors and other community service-related sites. All you have to do is Email our webmaster and provide pertinent information about your site along with the location of your link to Heart of America Quilt. (Sorry, web sites not supporting community service initiatives or not identified as sponsors of Heart of America Quilt won't be added to our link list). If you would like to become a sponsor Click Here.

How do I participate?
We invite you to select from one or more of the images below or use a simple text link like this:

<a href="">Click here for</a>

NOTE: Please copy the html code we have provided below to reference these images. Please don't simply copy the image. This allows us to serve you the most recent image design without you having to update the code on your web page. Thanks!

If you have questions, or need help copying and inserting the html into your page, please contact link support.

Option 1.0
Heart of America Quilt
(Highlight, then copy the code in the text box below and paste it into your web page)

Option 1.1
Heart of America Quilt
(Highlight, then copy the code in the text box below and paste it into your web page)

Option 1.2
Heart of America Quilt
(Highlight, then copy the code in the text box below and paste it into your web page)

Option 2.1
Heart of America Quilt
(Highlight, then copy the code in the text box below and paste it into your web page)

Option 2.2
Heart of America Quilt
(Highlight, then copy the code in the text box below and paste it into your web page)

When you have added the html code of your choice to your web page, Email our webmaster to submit your website to our link list.

If you have any questions or comments about the Heart of America Quilt link program, please send email to Link Program support.